Ordinary Members ... list of members of our association

ABO Energy (ABO Wind in the past) has been a pioneer in renewable energy in 16 countries around the world since 1996. Its global portfolio of wind and solar farms, energy storage and green hydrogen projects includes 5 GW of completed investments and 42 GW in development plans. These numbers are a clear statement of the company’s contribution to building an energy transition.
ABO Energy carries out the full life cycle of projects and all stages of investment development: from site assessment, planning, engineering and financing, to construction and grid connection. The company’s main goal is the development of green energy, while maintaining human-nature symbiosis.

ALSEVA is a Krakow general contractor of large-scale photovoltaic farms, which not only builds (EPC), but also designs and maintains farms with a total capacity of over 100 MW (another over 150 MW is under construction). Currently realizes i.a. PV farm in Rzezawa (Małopolskie Voivodeship) with a capacity of 60 MW, which will be one of the largest installations of this type in Poland. The company conducts work using its own executive teams and hardware resources, thanks to which remain independent in terms of implementation. It also works in the field of creating energy storages and providing PPAs contracts for entrepreneurs, guaranteeing them constant and convenient energy prices.

Founded in 1986, AUX Group operates in five industries and consistently ranks among China’s top 500 enterprises. With more than 30,000 employees worldwide, the AUX Group has achieved rapid growth and success. AUXSOL, a subsidiary of the AUX Group, began manufacturing solar inverters in 2022. Since then, we have expanded into key global markets, offering a diversified product range that includes grid-tied and hybrid inverters, as well as advanced battery storage solutions. We are one of the key manufacturers of photovoltaic solutions for hybrid inverters, energy storage and HEMS solutions.
At AUXSOL, we adhere to the philosophy, “Quality is the foundation, innovation is the soul.” Our market-oriented R&D team prioritizes analyzing product technology trends and satisfying customer needs. By providing the highest quality products and added value, we continuously enhance the competitiveness of our offerings. This commitment makes AUXSOL a leader in the solar energy industry.

Discover BeGreen: Pioneering a Greener Future
Founded in Denmark by the Bregentved group in 2017, BeGreen set out to build Denmark’s first large-scale, non-subsidized photovoltaic farms. By 2019, this ambitious goal was realized, laying the foundation for BeGreen’s ongoing mission. In January 2023, Norwegian energy giant Equinor recognized the potential and acquired BeGreen, making it a wholly-owned subsidiary.
Committed to a Sustainable Future
At BeGreen, sustainability is woven into everything we do. Our vision extends beyond just generating energy; we aim for a 360-degree approach to sustainability, encompassing economic, environmental, social, climate, and landscape aspects. Our goals are clear and focused on environmental stewardship, human rights, value chains, fostering good relationships with local communities, promoting biodiversity, reusing materials, and meticulously documenting our environmental impact.
Innovative Solar Solutions
BeGreen designs, builds, and manages large-scale solar parks across Denmark, Sweden, and Poland. Our holistic approach to sustainability ensures that every project—from conception to completion—aligns with our commitment to a greener future.
Impressive Results
To date, BeGreen has constructed nine industrial-scale solar power plants in Denmark, generating 650 GWh of clean energy annually. This output meets the energy needs of 200,000 people each year while cutting carbon emissions by 330,000 tons of CO2. When it comes to results, they are as clear as the sun.

Chint solar (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., founded in 2009 with a registered capital of 1.4 billion dollars, is a clean energy solution provider engaged in the development, investment, EPC, operation and maintenance and other services of photovoltaic power stations. At present, it has invested and built more than 12GW photovoltaic power stations in 31 countries, ranking 1st among China private energy enterprises. At the same time, the company has 17GW photovoltaic modules production capacity, and relying on Chint Group’s advantages in the whole industry chain of high and low voltage power equipment, it has built a one-stop service for photovoltaic power stations. Chint Solar Poland Sp.z.o.o, founded in 2020, is registered in Warsaw. At present, the company has completed a 51MW photovoltaic power stations successfully, and plans to invest 100MW photovoltaic power stations in Poland every year, with an average annual investment of about 0.074 billion dollars. In addition, the company will also focus on Poland energy storage, hydrogen and biomass market, and replicate global successful experience in Poland.

Corab – experience, responsibility and innovation
Corab is the largest Polish producer of photovoltaic module mounting systems and a distributor of the best solutions in the PV industry. It has been active on the market for nearly 30 years, gaining knowledge and experience in electronics and the production of steel and aluminum products. The company’s mission is the production and sale of products of the highest quality that meet the requirements of usage safety, which ensure the satisfaction of our Partners and Customers. The offer includes systems for pitched and flat roofs, free-standing constructions built on the ground or foundation, and CARPORTS.
Production takes place in a modern production plant in automatic and semi-automatic processes. The confirmation of the highest standards and respect for European standards is the TÜV Rheinland Polska Monitoring + Testing certificate. The company has been awarded many times for innovative solutions and high quality of its products. Corab has also gained the trust of foreign customers and exports its systems to 14 countries.
Corab, together with the best installation companies, form the Corab Partner network. It is an agreement of cooperation and mutual support on commercial, technical and marketing level.

The Earth Energy company was established in 2010 in response to the market needs regarding the preparation of environmental analyzes and studies and renewable energy proejects. We successfully implement wind, photovoltaic and energy storage projects in Poland with a project portfolio of up 2 GW+.
Thanks to over 15 years of experience, we offer our clients effective assistance in the analysis and organization of the project, obtaining decisions on environmental conditions and other necessary administrative decisions required for the commencement of the investment, conducting environmental audits.

For more than 10 years leader in the development of projects using BIM technology.
Composed of highly qualified technicians from different specialties, with the ability to comprehensively address the globality of a project.
More than 23 years of experience and more than 1,000 references in projects in the areas of renewable energies, electrical engineering, telecommunications, environment, industry, logistics, building, waste, integrated water cycle, transport infrastructure and urban development.
Reference in the implementation of Digital Twins to improve the management, operation and maintenance of assets, more than 200 Digital Twins implemented in all sectors.

EDF Renewables, a global leader in renewable energy. Technological progress in wind and solar power now means that we can develop equipment that is increasingly efficient and competitive. Our industry benefits from this momentum and has grown continuously over recent years as renewables have become ever less expensive.EDF Renewables is a global leader in renewable electricity production without CO2 emissions. The company develops, builds and operates clean energy power plants in more than 20 countries both for our own account and third parties.

Ekovoltis to dynamicznie rozwijająca się polska spółka obrotu energią elektryczną pochodzącą wyłącznie z odnawialnych źródeł. Od 2022 roku jesteśmy dumną częścią jednej z największych grup kapitałowych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej – MS Galleon GmbH, należącej do Michała Sołowowa. Nasza grupa rozwija projekt budowy małych reaktorów jądrowych, który będzie dla Polski skokiem cywilizacyjnym.
Misją Ekovoltis jest łączenie Wytwórców z OZE z firmami szukającymi ekologicznych rozwiązań energetycznych, wspierając ich w przejściu na zieloną energię. Kładziemy nacisk na zrównoważony rozwój i odpowiedzialność ESG, pomagając firmom budować wizerunek odpowiedzialnych społecznie i ekologicznie, co doceniają konsumenci i partnerzy biznesowi. Stawiamy na innowacyjne rozwiązania oparte na sztucznej inteligencji, które optymalizują procesy, zwiększają efektywność operacyjną oraz umożliwiają precyzyjne monitorowanie i zarządzanie.

Elgór + Hansen S.A. company has 30 years of experience in creating solutions for industry. The activities include the design, production, delivery and servicing of equipment for the transformation and distribution of electricity. The company’s products are used in various industries, including: in the broadly understood mining industry, including explosion hazard zones, metallurgical and food industries. Based on the new development strategy developed in 2022 and using its potential and prospects related to investments in green energy, the company has expanded its product portfolio to include container transformer stations, including those dedicated to large-scale renewable energy installations.
Thanks to many years of experience and a development and production base, the company also offers services and products in the field of IT/OT, SCADA, I&C, electronics, power electronics and automation elements of industrial and power facilities. The company’s offer includes both proprietary solutions and the use of products from recognized and proven global brands. The company supports clients in every phase of the investment, i.e. at the stage of design, construction, documentation and during operation, both in Poland and abroad.

The Elmont Group is an experienced and committed team with expert design and engineering competences. We are innovative and we constantly expand our knowledge and possibilities based on our experience. We have been thinking and building for future generations for years, which is why one of the main paths we follow is renewable energy (RES).
We develop, design, and build wind and photovoltaic farm’s, as well as service and manage electricity infrastructure in the field of RES.
Thanks to our knowledge, optimal and reliable solutions are created in the field of internal connections of wind and photovoltaic farms. We operate at every level of HV and MV voltages, we integrate superior systems, we program and run.
Thanks to our many years of experience gained from cooperation with all network administrators, we provide the best investment service in the design and execution phase throughout the whole Poland in terms of connecting farms to the DSO network.
We also provide 24/7 maintenance and service throughout the lifetime of the power plant. We have our own Dispatch Center with constant monitoring of the operation of farms.
With us, more is generated!

ELPRO specialises services related to the maintenance, construction works supervision, design and construction of photovoltaic and wind farms (renewable energy power plants). We have been successfully operating in the market since 2012 and currently provide our services at over 100 sites across Poland.

Emeren is a leading global solar project developer and operator, with local professional teams in more than 10 countries around the world. Emeren’s strategy is to pursue highmargin project development opportunities in these profitable and flourishing markets, specifically, in the U.S. and Europe, where the Company has an industry-leading position.
Emeren Poland sp. z o.o. pioneered PV project development in Poland. We established our local office in 2015, and since then we have steadily expanded our projects portfolio.
Through the years, we have built an attractive and diversified pipeline of projects under various stages of development, construction, financing, and operation, thanks to close cooperation with local developers, joint ventures, and our strong technical expertise.

Renewable energy projects have been our business since 1997. We develop, construct and operate wind turbines and photovoltaic plants, transformer substations and battery storage systems. In addition, we work on innovative energy supply systems, manage the repowering of older power plants and in Germany we supply our consumers with sustainably produced electricity through our subsidiary eqSTROM.
We are an international company with more than 400 employees in Germany, France, Finland and Poland. We are planning to enter new markets.

enson is a Polish manufacturer of mounting systems for the PV industry. Thanks to its unique approach to design, it is capable of delivering dedicated mounting systems for demanding investments. In Poland, there are over 400 MW of realized photovoltaic farm projects using Enson’s mounting systems. References from leading European investors confirm its reputation as a solid business partner, characterized by the highest quality and efficiency in cooperation.
A team of qualified engineers of various specializations continuously improves free-standing mounting systems. The company is building a new production facility, which will be equipped with a modern machine park. As a result, it will be able to deliver over 1.5 GW of mounting systems annually.”
Enzeit Technik is a European manufacturer of smartly designed PV systems. By focusing on proprietary patented solutions and adapting to the specific needs of its customers, it delivers high-quality structures for photovoltaic installations. The brand is part of the GTV Group, which has been successfully operating in various industries for over 25 years, both in Poland and internationally. Its extensive experience in collaborating with installers on the production of professional tools and specialized workwear has resulted in an innovative approach to PV technologies.
The company owns its own production facility, which ensures full control over the component creation process – from the initial concept, through production, to the detailed quality control of the final product.
Key areas of activity include the design and manufacture of durable structures for photovoltaic installations, using high-resistance materials such as steel with anti-corrosion coatings (e.g., Magnelis®). The products are tailored to specific site requirements, such as wind or snow loads, ensuring the reliability and longevity of the systems

Ergy jest jednym z największych niezależnych asset managerów OZE w Polsce. Firma powstała w 2020 roku i obecnie zarządza portfelem składającym się z ok. 720 MW elektrowni fotowoltaicznych i wiatrowych. Ergy tworzy zespół ponad 30 specjalistów w biurach w Warszawie i Białymstoku, których doświadczenie obejmuje szeroko rozumianą energetykę, inwestycje, finansowanie projektów i transakcje M&A.
Oferowany przez nas szeroki zakres usług mocno odbiega od standardowego asset managementu. Poza wypełnianiem codziennych obowiązków komercyjnych, finansowych i technicznych, w Ergy chętnie wspieramy naszych klientów w długoterminowych projektach i transakcjach. W ramach tych usług oferujemy m.in. doradztwo strategiczne, organizację i zarządzanie budową elektrowni, organizację procesów M&A, aranżację finansowania dłużnego, czy pozyskiwanie długoterminowych kontraktów PPA.
Naszymi klientami są wiodące fundusze inwestycyjne, duże firmy inwestujące w OZE na własne potrzeby oraz polscy i zagraniczni inwestorzy branżowi.

The Eurowatt Group is an independent power producer (IPP) founded in 1994, specializing in generating electricity from renewable sources. As a pioneer in the energy industry, Eurowatt boasts nearly 30 years of experience in renewable energy production. Operating across Europe, we commit to long-term partnerships with our stakeholders and local players, working together towards economic development and energy transformation in our regions.
Through our subsidiaries Eurowatt Développement, Eurowatt Services, and Eurowatt Exploitation, we offer comprehensive and recognized expertise across the entire value chain of renewable energy production projects, including wind, hydro, and solar.
Our teams are involved in every project phase, from development, construction, financing, and operation of wind, water, and solar farms to the modernization and dismantling of facilities that have reached the end of their operational life.
Active in several European countries, we currently manage wind and solar farms in France and Poland, as well as hydroelectric plants in Spain and Portugal.

Exus is an independent asset management and development firm specialising in the renewable energy sector. With a strong presence across Europe, North America, and Latin America, develops, owns, and operates large-scale, clean energy generation projects. Exus extends its expertise to third-party asset management and project development services, catering to utility-scale solar, wind, and battery storage projects owned by external parties. Exus strategically acquires and develops innovative projects that contribute to building a world-class renewable portfolio.

FRV (Fotowatio Renewable Ventures), part of Abdul Latif Jameel Energy, is a world leader in renewable energy solutions. In its ambition to continue leading the global transition to a more sustainable energy future, this company founded in 2006 has accelerated its growth strategy in recent years, moving from being a developer to an independent power producer (IPP).
FRV stands out as one of the leaders in solar energy and energy storage, naturally positioned at the center of the energy industry transformation. Through its technology innovation platform (FRV-X), FRV explores and develops the most cutting-edge technological solutions to reshape the energy of the future.

GMI Software provides custom IT solutions for the solar industry, executing projects in Poland and across Europe.
We specialize in creating tools that support companies in designing and implementing photovoltaic installations, ensuring process optimization and increased energy efficiency.
Our flagship product is a configurator developed for the Norwegian company STS, a leader in the solar industry. This advanced tool allows for the selection of appropriate panels for dimensioned roofs, the creation of 3D models, energy yield calculations, ordering of construction components, and booking of installation teams.
Additionally, we specialize in developing mobile and desktop applications that aid in monitoring and managing PV installations. Our solutions also include calculation engines for data analysis, tools for land visualization for solar installations, and software supporting quality control.
By partnering with us, you gain a reliable technology partner to help you execute solar projects at the highest level. Check out our completed projects at

GoodWe is a leading global manufacturer of photovoltaic inverters and provider of smart energy solutions. GoodWe offers a wide range of products and solutions tailored to residential, commercial and utility-scale industrial PV systems, delivering reliable and efficient devices across its portfolio.
In 2021, GoodWe was recognized by Wood Mackenzie as one of the top three hybrid inverter suppliers in the world. The Renewable Energy Institute in its report “Photovoltaics market in Poland 2023” listed GoodWe as one of the 3 most frequently chosen inverter manufacturers in Poland. In November 2023, the company was awarded the title of Brand of the Year 2023 in the Energy Trends plebiscite.

Green Bear Corporation Poland operates on the Polish market since 2007. We develop Wind and PV projects on the Polish market. The main mission is to develop the power sector based on the use of renewable energy sources. We concentrate our activities in the field of development and implementation of projects as well as management of operational wind farms and photovoltaic farms through our affiliate. We and our affiliates manage the entire project development chain: sourcing projects, securing land, obtaining permits, conducting expert opinions, engineering, grid connection process, financing, construction, EPC tender and operation. We also act as an investor representative during the construction of the projects. Our goal is to increase the share of RES in the National Power System. Our Team and our affiliates teams consists of specialists and project managers qualified in different field of activities: land sourcing, legal, planning and permitting, engineering, environmental protection, design, construction, asset management to fully control all the development, construction and operational phases.

Danish born greentech company, with growing presence in US, Sweden, Germany, Poland and Baltic countries – GreenGo Energy originates, develops, constructs and manages tailored renewable energy solutions in partnership with industry leading investors in renewable energy. Through partnerships with Tier 1 investors, GreenGo Energy achieved full financing for almost 4GW and works towards a pipeline of 25 GW onshore solar and wind and 10 GW within P2X and offshore wind by 2025 globally.
In Poland, GreenGo entered in 2022, oriented on growing their solar portfolio as primary focus.

Greenvolt Next provides tailored and comprehensive self-consumption solutions, ranging from photovoltaic panels in rooftops, and carports to batteries and charging stations for EVs, to businesses seeking a sustainable and cost-effective energy solution.
In 2023, the segment reached 91.5 MWp of capacity installed and accumulated a backlog of 216.3 MWp by year-end, with 66.7 MWp secured for installations via Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), demonstrating the company’s dedication to innovative financing in distributed generation.

Since 2007, GreenYellow has been a major player in the energy transition in France and internationally and a true ally of SMEs and large groups in this sector.
As an expert in decentralized solar photovoltaic production, energy efficiency projects and energy services, GreenYellow offers its customers a unique and global platform. GreenYellow’s commitment is to develop solutions aimed at reducing the energy expenditure of its customers, by allowing them to consume less and better. GreenYellow’s solutions are fully financed and allow our customers to deploy ‘green’ projects with 0 Capex.
In particular, GreenYellow offers solutions for auto-consumption of green electricity. GreenYellow invests in a solar PV Plant on your site and signs a ‘Power Purchase Agreement’ (on site PPA) or other kind of contract with a defined price of electricity in the long term (10 to 20 years). This determined price can be fixed for the duration of the contract and protects our customer against electricity price volatility.
Thanks to innovation, operating in 16 countries on 4 continents GreenYellow is constantly enriching its offer, to meet the needs of private and public players and support them in reducing their ecological footprint.
Since 15 years, GreenYellow has invested more than €1.2 billion in photovoltaic solar installations and energy efficiency for our customers: more than 2,100,000 m² of photovoltaic solar panels have been installed, generating approximately 740 MWp and 2 800 energy efficiency contracts that are operated worldwide.

Grenergy Renovables is a Spanish company created in 2007, an independent power producer (IPP) from renewable sources, mainly wind and photovoltaic, publicly listed in Spain since 2019. A vertically integrated company, its business model covers all phases of the project, from development, through engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) to the operation and maintenance of the plants, as well as structured finance.
The company has a global pipeline of more than 11 GW (status as of mid-2022) in various stages of development in eleven countries of the European (Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany and United Kingdom), North American (United States) and Latin American (Chile, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and Colombia) markets. The group has been committed to its growth in Poland since mid-2021 as Grenergy Polska, establishing two offices in Warsaw and Gdańsk and building its own team of local experts to develop mainly large-scale solar PV projects.

GÜLERMAK is a top leading international EPC contractor known for its excellent reputation and professionalism. Established in the year 1958, executing global turnkey civil infrastructure and industrial construction projects since then.
At GÜLERMAK the wide range of services are tailored to meet the unique needs of client’s preferences, which include Metros, Tunnels, Railways, HSRs, Tramways Highways, Bridges, Viaducts, and Hydro-Electric Power Plants.
GÜLERMAK’s impeccable experience in full turnkey, EPC, Metro, and Rail systems goes way back to the late 1990’s, which is when GÜLERMAK gained the reputation of the most experienced Turkish EPC contractor in the field, with the successful delivery of more than 30 number of prestigious EPC Metro, Tram, Rail and HSR projects in Poland, Sweden, U.A.E, India, and Turkey. As a reference point, more than 300km of tunnelling, 120 underground metro stations, and 1300km of railways / HSR track and operation of more than 45 TBMs were realized only in the last decade, all over the world.
In addition to its EPC contracting capabilities, GÜLERMAK has also been an industry leader in manufacturing steel in Turkey, with three factories in Ankara and Izmir exporting their products to 50 different countries.
GÜLERMAK seeks co-prosperity with its clients and business partners by adhering to its corporate culture, developed throughout its 60 years of history of providing top-notch services.
We invite you to contact us at res@gulermak.com

Founded in 2010, Helexia offers complete and sustainable energy production and saving solutions to industrial and commercial building operators. We offer our customers the possibility to be part of a CSR approach while making savings, whatever their level of maturity on the subject.
With more than 350 employees in 8 countries (France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Morocco, Hungary, and Brazil), Helexia is a major player in the energy transition market.
Helexia accompanies you durably and in every step of your energy transition:
– Creation of a personalized trajectory
– Energy audits and energy efficiency solutions
– Development, financing, construction, and operation of photovoltaic power plants (ground-mounted, on rooftops, or in the shade of a parking lot).
– Energy management
– Electric mobility

Horizons is a consulting and engineering company made up of experts in non-standard business projects, mainly in the field of energy. Recently, the company has been specialising in providing development project services related to renewables and photovoltaics. Our team members‘ experience in the renewable energy sector allows efficient and quick execution as well as control of investment processes and implementation of development strategies in the electricity market.

Hydro is a leading aluminium and energy company committed to a sustainable future. Our purpose is to create more viable societies by developing natural resources into products and solutions in innovative and efficient ways.
In Poland, there are three Hydro plants, Chrzanów, Łódź and Trzcianka. Additionally, our Łódź and Warsaw branches provide building systems solutions.
We offer solutions for our customers in many branches, such as automotive, building and construction.

Innside Tax is an advisory company where we take care of all our clients’ tax and accounting matters. We are focused on tax advice, from day-to-day support for businesses and individuals, tax compliance, tax proceedings, transfer pricing, and transactional support, as well as bookkeeping.
We specialize in advisory for renewables industry.

INSELL was founded in the 1990s. Having opened twenty-three branches and commercial offices and hired more than two hundred employees, we have become one of the largest electrotechnical and photovoltaic wholesalers in Poland. INSELL’s headquarters are based in Lodz, where they occupy as many as five thousand square meters. Apart from a modern showroom and offices, the largest area is allocated to a cable square with a cable rewinding and packing building, and to a high storage warehouse.
All cable and photovoltaic supplies are delivered are delivered here. Later on they are distributed among our ten local warehouses spread all around Poland, to the warehouses of our Customers or directly to specific building sites. We keep on investing in infrastructure to adapt it to the evolving needs of our Customers and potential of our organization.
Our company cooperates with a group of leading Polish market manufacturers to satisfy the needs of the most demanding Customers. What makes INSELL stand out is the widest range of cables and conductors in our country, including non-standard cables as well as a wide assortment of photovoltaic products. The company provides specialized deliveries for professional energy systems and owns the stocks of lighting columns and support structures for transfer lines along with fittings. The assortment offered by INSELL also includes a wide range of electrical installation, TC, automatic, lighting, data transmission products, building automation and photovoltaic systems.
The most important element of INSELL’s strategy is continuous availability of goods, which gives us our competitive advantage. You are more than welcome!

JDP Drapała & Partners
We offer top-quality legal advice to selected industries. Our team consists of 75 lawyers whose qualifications and expertise make it possible for us to cooperate with renowned international law firms and consulting companies, and to render legal services regarding projects all over Europe.
In particular, we support entities across the following sectors: construction, infrastructure, real estate, high-tech, production, transport and services. We also assist banks and investment funds.
Our Energy and Renewables Team provides legal advisory in particular in the following areas:
- investment processes in the renewable energy sources and energy storage sectors
- legal and tax due diligence for transactions in the RES sector
- regulatory issues, including concessions, tariffs and disputes before the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and the Court for the Competition and Consumer Protection
- contracts in the energy sector
- measures to limit spikes in energy, heat and gas prices
- investment processes regarding conventional energy sources
Our clients value our expertise, experience and commitment to developing their businesses. For years, this has been reflected in our high positions in international legal rankings such as Chambers & Partners and Legal 500.

Based on 35 years of experience in power electronic technology, Kehua has diversified solutions and rich project experience in the fields of photovoltaic, energy storage, micro-grids and integrated energy services.
Together with partners in more than 100 countries and regions, Kehua is promoting the transformation of the energy structure with technology and making clean energy a force to influence the world. By 2023, Kehua’s PV installation has exceeded 46GW and its energy storage installation has exceeded 15.2GW/8.2GWh globally.
In the field of photovoltaic, we provide total solutions covering full power, which are widely used in a variety of power plant scenarios, such as utility, industrial and commercial and residential rooftops, etc.; in the field of energy storage, we provide solutions for front-of-the-meter and behind-the-meter energy storage; in the field of microgrid, we have rich experience in the application scenarios of C&I parks, data centers, EV charging, and powerless/weak areas; in the field of micro-grid, we have extensive experience in the application scenarios. In the field of micro-grid, we have rich experience in C&I parks, data centers, EV charging, areas without electricity/weak electricity, and other complex application scenarios.
Currently, Kehua has become the world’s fourth largest PCS supplier (S&P Global) and a Tier 1 energy storage supplier (BloombergNEF). In the future, Kehua will continue to be a reliable PV and ESS expert, create clean energy, and commit to making everyone in the world live a zero-carbon life.

Distributor, Manufacturer, Training and Service Center of Renewable Energy Industry
Authorized distributor of leading brands, manufacturer, training and service center. We specialize in the Renewable Energy industry. With our years of experience, we are at the forefront of innovation and change in the European energy sector.
For years we have been leading the transformation of the energy market in Poland, emphasizing the development of green energy sources. Today, we are not only betting on the international KENO Energy brand, but also on the development of our group companies, such as Kensol, Emiter, KENO Home, and KENO Energia.

We are a pioneer of photovoltaic solutions in Poland.
We have made several thousand solar installations since 2012. The rebranding of our brand, whose element was the change of the name from Green Side of Power to .KWARTZ, is a thoughtful response to the needs of the renewable energy market in the SME segment. Years of experience have enabled us to acquire funds and staff, thanks to which we can now provide comprehensive PHOTOVOLTAIKA FOR POLISH BUSINESS service.
We prepare investment concepts, help in obtaining financing, implement the project, provide service. Our goal is to guarantee energy security for small and medium-sized enterprises. By offering the highest quality photovoltaic installations, we combine activities aimed at reducing energy costs and carbon dioxide emissions with the systematic pursuit of our clients achieving energy independence. Full implementation of the investment will ensure that the building will be called one of the most environmentally friendly office buildings in the entire region.
.KWARTZ consists of specialists with long experience in the field of renewable energy, photovoltaics and new technologies. Together with you we want to build the energy of tomorrow.

Mactel Sp. z o. o. has been on the market since 2006. We are one of the first companies, that has implemented comprehensively the construction of a photovoltaic power plant in Poland.
Team of Mactel combines extensive experience and competences of over a dozen professionals in the field of energy, construction, telecommunications, project management and logistics. We associate our success with the success of our Clients, who have decided to invest in Renewable Energy Sources (RES). We are commited in the development, design and construction of over 500 MW solar and wind projects.
We comprehensively deal with the development of RES projects, evaluation of this projects and theirs optimization, technical design and preparation of investments for RTB. We implement EPC contracts, BoP for the construction of turnkey photovoltaic power plants for private investors, industrial enterprises, large-scale photovoltaic power plants, and also installation on flat roofs. We provide investor supervision services and Owners Engineering services.
We are a company for which relations with our clients are the most important. We are solving the most difficult technical and formal issues, that can be encountered during the development and construction of RES projects. We operate throughout the country, connecting RES installations at all Operators in our country. We also operate outside of Poland , in Germany, Denmark and Norway.

MGS LAW provides extensive legal support in electricity trading and market operations, assisting clients in negotiating sales agreements and ensuring regulatory compliance. The firm specializes in energy market issues, including energy trading balancing and process optimization.
In the field of photovoltaics, MGS LAW offers advice on Power Purchase Agreements (PPA, cPPA), permitting processes, and comprehensive legal support for renewable energy investments, including SAAS models, behind the meter, also for industrial purposes.

We are the leading provider of end-to-end construction and maintenance services for solar farms.
We deliver “turnkey” solar farms as an EPCm/EPC company (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) and provide the full scope of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) services. Since 2014, our team has been also managing our own solar plants in Poland.
In the design process, we pay attention not only to the technical requirements of investors but also optimize investment CAPEX and take into account the costs associated with the subsequent operation and maintenance of the power plants.
We develop a detailed technical specification for all components or works based on the investor’s guidelines. We only work with trusted, top-tier suppliers to ensure high quality of systems and timely deliveries.
We directly manage the construction of the project portfolio in the “turnkey” formula. On top of that, we work with DSOs closely to ensure smooth grid connection based on local requirements. In our work, we follow a proven investment management model. The projects are implemented by an experienced team of Project Managers and Site Engineers.
We are expanding into international markets in industrial self-consumption & large-scale utility segments.

Global presence
Norton Rose Fulbright provides a full scope of legal services to the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions. The global law firm has more than 3,000 lawyers advising clients across more than 50 locations worldwide, including London, Houston, New York, Toronto, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Sydney and Johannesburg, covering Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East. With its global business principles of quality, unity and integrity, Norton Rose Fulbright is recognized for its client service in key industries, including financial institutions; energy, infrastructure and resources; technology; transport; life sciences and healthcare; and consumer markets.
Polish team
Norton Rose Fulbright’s Warsaw team of over 40 lawyers advises a wide range of global financial institutions and corporate clients, as well as major Polish companies and government organizations.
We draw upon our European and global capabilities to offer our clients a full business law service.
Our team provides Polish and international advice on energy, banking and finance, corporate (including M&A, private equity and securities), real estate, construction,
restructuring and regulatory matters. We work across a range of key industry sectors and are particularly strong in the area of financial institutions.

Optisol Sp. z o.o. operates in the renewable energy segment related to ground-based photovoltaic power plants. The projects developed by Optisol are mainly located in the northern part of the country, but the dynamic growth of the business is leading to entry into other regions of Poland. The project portfolio includes small-scale power plants of up to 1 MW, as well as large-scale farms with capacities of more than 100 MW. The total capacity of projects in development is 3.2 GW.
The organisation consists of a complete group of specialists – managers and engineers, qualified in the areas of finance, design, environment and electricity, with many years of experience in the renewable energy industry. Continuous tracking of Polish and foreign trends, acting on the basis of a prepared development strategy, leads to a successive increase in the portfolio of projects and expansion of the scope of activities.
In pursuing business objectives, Optisol is guided by values such as quality, efficiency, protection and responsibility. The Company’s mission is to constantly improve itself and to seek the most advantageous and effective solutions, in a sustainable manner, assuming care for relationships, local conditions and the environment. This strategy allows for the establishment of lasting relationships with landowners, subcontractors and public authorities, resulting in stable operations and systematic growth.

Pacifico Green Development GmbH (“Pacifico”) is a renewable energy company for wind and solar energy as well as battery and hydrogen technologies. We develop greenfield projects, repower existing plants and provide state-of-the-art development management services.
Pacifico has built a strong development pipeline of >1,000 MW both wind and photovoltaic assets. We are committed to make a substantial contribution to renewable energy in Europe.

Proventus Renewables Ltd (https://www.proventusrenewables.com/) is dedicated to supporting the global Renewables and Clean-Tech industries through strategic & corporate finance advice and selective own participation. Specific focus and experience includes Onshore/Offshore Wind, PV, Biogas, Battery Storage, E-Mobility, Procurement & Energy Efficiency. Proventus is a founder in two industry specific consortia: BBM Offshore (http://www.bbmoffshore.com/) and BBA Solar (http://www.bbasolar.pl/).

Prime PV is a group operating in the renewable energy market since 2021. By investing in new strategies and certified technologies, we have built solar power plants with a total capacity of over 100 MW, with another 60 MW under construction. We stand out for our comprehensive approach to the investment process of building, operating and managing photovoltaic farms.
So far Prime PV Group has invested more than PLN 300 million in the development of renewable energy sources throughout the country. We rely on strong cornerstones of the Polish capital, professionals in every field of our business and good practices. Our strategy is based on four key areas of renewable energy which form a coherent unit in the life cycle of a photovoltaic installation, i.e. development of projects to the stage of readiness for construction, general contracting, production of green energy and servicing of photovoltaic farms.

REIB is an international insurance broker specialized in solar insurance
Our team is based in NYC – USA, Berlin – Germany, Sofia – Bulgaria and work with partners in the USA, Germany, Poland, Italy, UK, Singapore. Renewable Energy Insurance Broker has a license to provide services in most of the U.S. states and all European Union countries.
In addition, Renewable Energy Insurance Broker together with its partners has insured photovoltaic plants with more than 3GWp.
Our clients are investors, developers, asset management and EPC / O&M companies from North America, Europe and Asia.
Renewable Energy Insurance Broker works and cooperates only with A+ rated insurance companies – leaders on the US and European markets.
We are a proud member of various organizations that promotes and supports sustainable business activities and create a socially and environmentally sustainable society – Solar Power Europe, Polish Photovoltaic Association and The Association for production, storage and trading of electricity (APSTE).
REIB provides access to product secured by “A” rated carriers to protect your installation from additional financial charges due to low performance of the solar power plant with Solar Under Performance Guarantee insurance. The product may saves millions of euros to investors, developers and asset managers if the solar installation does not produce energy at the specified level of performance and the revenue requirements are not met.
Moreover, all solar projects covered by Renewable Energy Insurance Broker with our special insurance products are more bankable for each financial institution and investor.

REnewable MORe energy SOLAR for You
REMOR SOLAR is a company with over 16 years of experience in the renewable energy industry, offering its customers comprehensive photovoltaic solutions at the highest level, supporting the development of large-scale solar energy in Poland and Europe as a clean and economical source of energy. We consistently focus on the quality of our products, actively respond to market needs, and meet the expectations of our customers. A modern production model, advanced quality control methods supported by TÜV and ISO 9001 certificates, guarantee the excellent quality of all products bearing our logo. Our comprehensive range of services, starting from design and production of photovoltaic structures to construction and maintenance, makes us a reliable business partner. Our distinction in the market is innovation and the ability to implement difficult and demanding projects in areas where others give up. Since our inception, we have installed over 780 MW and delivered systems for over 2.1 GW. Our commitment to increasing participation in the energy revolution, characterized by innovation and project diversity, makes us the most reliable business partner. REMOR SOLAR is a company that cares about the future of our planet and your wallet.

We specialise in developing renewable energy investments in the Polish market. We accompany clients at every stage of investment – from the acquisition of suitable land, through the design process, to the commissioning and supervision of photovoltaic and wind farms.
We treat each project individually, proposing innovative technological solutions that meet the highest quality standards.
We focus on the efficiency of our investment processes, offering quick and effective implementations that help our clients achieve long-term benefits.

Sevivon is a Polish company, part of the PNE group which is active in Poland since 2000. In its offices in Gdansk and Koszalin it employs a team of several dozen people – project managers, GIS specialists, EIA experts, lawyers, spatial planners, field representatives and engineers.
The company carries out RES investments from greenfield to the end of construction phase. After successfully completing over 380 MW wind installations (e.g. one of the largest in Poland – the ‘Jasna’ wind farm), Sevivon continues to develop further RES investments including photovoltaic and wind projects of a diversified scale: from approximately 10 MW to over 150 MW throughout Poland.

SG Equipment Leasing Poland (SGEF Poland) is part of the Societe Generale group headquartered in Paris. As one of the largest leasing group in Europe, our aim is to be “The worldwide partner for integrated equipment solutions creating sustainable and positive impact for the planet.” In Poland, SGEF focuses on the financing of machinery and equipment (financing in the form of leasing or loans) in 5 sectors: agriculture, transportation, aviation & specialized financing sector, industry and technology (IT and green energy).

Founded in 2017, Sun Investment Group (SIG) is a PV developer focused on delivering high-quality solutions in the solar energy industry. The company covers the entire solar PV value chain from development, construction to operation and maintenance, optimizing costs and generating value in each stage of the asset life cycle. Sun Investment Group’s portfolio includes a total of 193 MW of installed capacity and over 2.5 GW in the advanced development stage.
The company is developing projects in Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Spain and rapidly expanding to other markets.
For more information, visit website.

SSW Pragmatic Solutions offers comprehensive legal and tax advisory services
Full service leading Polish law firm
We combine innovation and experience, providing its clients with pragmatic solutions to their commercial, legal or tax challenges. We work together as an integrated team, helping you implement effective solutions for all your business needs.
Giving practical advice
We routinely advise our clients on complex legal and business matters, ranging from applying the most effective tax structures to successfully expanding into new locations and business sectors.
Always putting our clients first
Above all, we are pragmatic, easy to work with, and approachable.
Internationally recognised as a legal advisor
Independent, prestigious international rankings, such as Chambers Europe, Legal 500 or IFLR 1000, based exclusively on clients’ opinions, confirm our competencies and expertise. We were nominated as a Chambers Law Firm of the Year Poland Award 2018 organized by Chambers and Partners. Recently, we were shortlisted for the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe 2019 in the category “Innovation in the business of law: New business and service delivery models”. We were ranked as a leader in M&A transactions in Mergermarket report. Comprehensive guide to the world’s leading law firms, Chambers and Partners, recognised us in FinTech Guide 2020.

Sun Contracting Poland is a dynamic company operating in the renewable energy sector, specializing in the photovoltaic industry. It is part of the international Sun Contracting group, which has been successfully active in European markets since 2010, including Austria, Germany, and Liechtenstein. In recent years, the company has been actively expanding its operations into new markets such as Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland, with a particular focus on Poland, where favorable economic and political conditions create excellent development opportunities.
Sun Contracting stands out for its long-term approach, offering comprehensive support at every stage of the investment process—from financing and design to construction and operation of photovoltaic farms. Through this integrated management, the company not only optimizes the performance of installations but also increases profits from energy production while minimizing CO₂ emissions.
The company builds lasting relationships, supporting energy transition, sustainable development, and promoting environmental awareness. In this way, Sun Contracting not only invests in the future of the energy industry but also contributes to the stabilization of the energy market.

SUNfarming Group is a global brand with 20 years of experience in the solar energy sector. Founded in 2004 in Germany, the company is present in 14 countries around the world. It specializes in the development, construction and operation of large-scale renewable energy projects. Globally, the Group has a portfolio of projects with a total capacity of 750 MWp while maintaining a steady trajectory of sustainable growth. In Poland 95 photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 107MWp have been completed, and the company will soon increase capacity to at least 152 MWp.
One of the SUNfarming Group’s business segments is Agro-PV. The company pays particular attention to an integrated approach using agricultural land while producing green energy. For many years, SUNfarming has also been involved in aid in Africa to provide training and fight hunger and malnutrition among children. The organization has already distributed more than 8 million meals, sponsoring lunches for children in schools. For this activity, the chairman of the SUNfarming Group received the German Federal Cross of Merit.

Sunktraft is a team of specialists working in the renewable energy industry in the field of:
- development of large-scale PV projects
- general contracting of land and industrial PV projects (EPC)
- distribution of components for PV Systems

Sun’R is a mission-driven French company in the Energy sector whose objective is to “develop and implement intelligent infrastructures and solutions, responding to the climate and ecological emergency, and enabling the acceleration of transitions towards a sustainable world powered by 100% renewable energy.”
The company has set itself 3 objectives, embodied by each of our brands:
- develop renewable electricity production infrastructures (Sun’R, photovoltaic and hydroelectric developer)
- develop solutions and systems for adapting agriculture to climate change (Sun’Agri, world leader in dynamic agrivoltaics)
- develop the supply of renewable electricity through local distribution channels to bring producers and consumers closer together (Volterres, green electricity supplier and supply consultant).
Founded in 2007, the French company now has 150 employees, 4 offices in France (Paris, Lyon, Montpellier and Perpignan), an international presence in Spain, Israel, Italy, and is opening new countries in 2023 (Poland, Belgium, Germany). In December 2022, it joined the Eiffage Group, one of the fifth largest civil engineering construction company in Europe, to consolidate its growth and become Eiffage Concessions’ renewable energy development platform.
Sun’R is also the first “Entreprise à mission” in the Energy sector (“Entreprise à mission” is a French legal framework in which businesses pursue a set social and environmental purpose with specific sustainability goals).

Top Fence is dynamically developing company dealing with sales and assembly of fencing and gate operating mechanisms. Thanks to our wide range of products and services we provide complete solutions for homes and industries.
The experience we have gained allows us to undertake even the most demanding implementations and ensures our customers about professional completion of the service.
In our offer we have meshes, fencing panels, gates, modern front system fences, and constructions for litter bins. Futhermore we design, produce and assembly steel structures, halls, balustrades and add-on balconies.
Since 2017 Top Fence has been providing delivery services throughout the country for leading companies in the photovoltaic sector: General Contractors, Investors and producers of photovoltaic panels.
Investments related to renewable energy are usually high- budget investments, located in rural areas, which require appropriate protection in form of solid and durable fence.
The most common form of photovoltaic farm fencing are mesh and panels.
Depending on contractual requirements, the materials used are in the appropriate thickness of the wires, the correct anti- corrosion coating and the appropriate height. For ensure high security- the fences are often finished with the barbed wires, the entrances are secured with solid gates.
Top Fence specializes in service of supply complete fencing systems for General Contractors of photovoltaic farms.

TYR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych is a licensed financial institution focused on providing debt financing, in particular for real estate projects, i.e. commercial, warehouse, residential and office facilities. We also support entities from the renewable energy market in the following areas: financing the deposit for connection to the grid required when submitting the application and financing the construction of a PV power plant.
The maximum level of financing reaches PLN 50 million.

The UKA Group is an international wind and solar energy developer and has developed, built, owned and operated wind and solar farms as well as associated infrastructure for more than 20 years. At present, the UKA Group employs around 750 people worldwide. With some 60 grid-connected wind power plants and 1.2 gigawatts in the permitting process, UKA is one of Germany’s leading onshore wind developers, which also implements solar energy projects. As a full-service provider, UKA provides turnkey services from greenfield development to construction. In addition, our sister company UKB provides tailored technical and commercial asset management services for renewable energy facilities. UKA has also been expanding its business activities throughout North America, Latin America and Europe. The UKA Group’s current international project pipeline for wind and solar projects now comprises more than twelve gigawatts. Our dedicated teams in Madrid, Santiago de Chile, and the U.S. (with offices in Stuart, Florida and Austin, Texas) develop promising renewable energy projects and hence advance the transition towards clean and affordable energy. Most recently, UKA has entered the Polish market.

A global leader in applied safety science, UL Solutions transforms safety, security and sustainability challenges into opportunities for customers in more than 100 countries. UL Solutions delivers testing, inspection and certification services, together with software products and advisory offerings, that support our customers’ product innovation and business growth. The UL Certification Marks serve as a recognized symbol of trust in our customers’ products and reflect an unwavering commitment to advancing our safety mission. We help our customers innovate, launch new products and services, navigate global markets and complex supply chains and grow sustainably and responsibly into the future. Our science is your advantage.

Uriel Energia Sp. z o.o. (formerly Ibereolica Sp. z o.o.) is a Polish company belonging to the Spanish company Uriel Renovables S.A. – part of the Huarte family business group, which started its activity in 1927. Since then, the group has been associated with major international companies from various industrial sectors.
Uriel Renovables is a group company involve in the promotion, construction and operation of renewable energy projects: hydro, wind, solar photovoltaic and biogas generation. Established in 1988, the company is present internationally in Europe, North America, South America and the Caribbean and has promoted projects with a capacity of over 1,400 MW in various technologies. Uriel Energia has been operating on the Polish market since 2003. Currently, the company manages wind farm projects with a total capacity of 165.6 MW, consisting of a total of 48 turbines, and is also developing renewable energy projects with a capacity of over 600 MW. As a part of its strategy, Uriel Energia establishes partnership relations with companies of the renewable sector in Poland.

WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr is a leading Polish law firm providing comprehensive advisory in key areas of business law.
We have years of experience in providing legal services to domestic and foreign entrepreneurs in the broadly interpreted energy sector, including electricity generation (at the power generation, distribution and trade levels), gas, and renewable energy, especially in photovoltaic and wind farm projects.
We support entrepreneurs in new power generation investments (issues related to the investment, regulatory and environmental processes) and we assist in relations with market regulators, including issues related to the new auction system for RES installations. Our legal services also include advice on restructuring processes in energy, and transactions regarding acquisition of renewable projects – supporting sellers, buyers and financing entities.
As representatives of sectoral associations, our lawyers participated in parliamentary works on the RES act as well as the amendment. They also authored the commentary to the RES act (Wolters Kluwer publishing house), and advised on the implementation of the auction system in Poland on behalf of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

VALOREM is a vertically-integrated green energy operator which owns almost 1 GW of renewable energy projects in operation and covers the entire value chain of such projects from the development and the construction to the operation and maintenance stages.
A pioneer of onshore wind in the French energy market, VALOREM has successfully adapted its skills and expertise to other sustainable energies such as solar photovoltaic, fluvial hydraulics, hydroelectricity, hybrid storage projects and offshore wind energy.
Today, VALOREM employs more than 350 employees and has a strong presence internationally, operating mainly in Europe. As such, we can leverage the expertise of local partners in financing and developing renewable energy projects, while contributing towards achieving global CO 2 emissions targets.
In Poland, VALOREM is willing to develop long-term partnership with local developers to develop, build, finance and operate renewable energy projects.

Volta Polska is an independent renewable energy producer that develops, finances, builds and supervises power installations (PV, Energy storage, Wind). Volta Expertise in Renewable Energy:
- Development and Engineering: Volta take care of the technical evaluation of a potential site, the signature of the renewable energy agreement with the client, the administrative steps with the authorities and DSO in order to allow the construction of the power installation.
- Investment and Financing: Thanks to the experience of the Volta Group, Volta set up optimal financing adapted to the specificity of each project. Volta invest in the power installation.
- Project and Asset Management: the power installation is built by selected partners; all components are high quality product validated by Volta. Then, Volta is managing operation and maintenance of the power installation.

The Vortex Energy Group is one of the pioneers of the renewable energy sector in Poland and has over 18 years of experience in the development and realization of PV and wind projects in Poland and Germany. Currently the Group’s activities are focused exclusively on Poland.
Vortex Energy offers the full scope of services – from planning and development to construction and technical management.
Since foundation, The Group has developed and realized 29 pv farms and 21 wind parks in Poland and Germany with a total capacity of over 448 MW. The portfolio of projects completed all over Poland totals 345 MW of installed capacity.

ZPUE SA is a Polish and European leader in the production of solutions for the power sector and photovoltaics. For over thirty years, we have been designing and supplying packaged substations, low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) switchgear units and overhead switchgear apparatus. The equipment we make responds to the needs of the industry, construction sector, infrastructure and energy companies, using advanced, environmentally-friendly technologies.
As ZPUE SA, we have been actively involved in the “green revolution”. Since 2003, we have been supplying packaged substations for PV farms and collector substations in Poland and Europe. Our range includes 1 MW substations as well as high-power substations: 2.5 MW, 4 MW, 5 MW, 6.5 MW, 8 MW. We offer energy storage facilities for RES and electric vehicle charging stations.
ZPUE SA in numbers:
- PLN 706.9 million / EUR 157.9 million * financial data for 2020
- 2700 employees
- 5 plants in Poland = 41 ha of area
- 14 technical and sales offices in Poland
- 150 experts in the sales structure dedicated to contact with clients
- 30 export countries
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