Out of seven RES auctions held in December, only three have been settled, informs the Energy Regulatory Office.
As part of this year’s auctions, slightly more than 34 TWh of electricity from renewable sources with a total value of over PLN 14.3 billion was allocated for sale, but as a result of their settlement, only about 8.5 TWh (25%) of electricity with a value of less than PLN 2.5 billion (17%). Out of all the winning bids (204), more than 96% are solar installations (197), the other winners are wind installations (5) and hydroelectric installations (2).
Basket for installations up to 1 MW
In the auction for PV and wind installations not larger than 1 MW, all bids were submitted by entrepreneurs investing in photovoltaic installations. The reference price for photovoltaic projects in this basket was PLN 375/MWh (no electricity producers in wind farms joined the auction). The minimum price at which energy was sold was PLN 244.77/MWh. The maximum price at which energy was sold was PLN 327.73/MWh. As a result of this auction, photovoltaic installations with a total installed capacity of approx. 150 MW may be built.
Basket for installations above 1 MW
The reference price in this basket was PLN 355/MWh for solar power plants and PLN 295/MWh for wind power plants. The minimum price at which energy was sold was PLN 150/MWh for onshore wind farms and PLN 236.77/MWh for photovoltaic power plants, respectively. As a result of this auction, photovoltaic installations with a total installed capacity of approx. 336 MW and onshore wind farms with a total capacity of approx. 245 MW may be built.
More information: https://www.ure.gov.pl/pl/urzad/informacje-ogolne/aktualnosci/10739,Aukcje-OZE-2022-Prezes-URE-podsumowuje-wyniki-aukcji-na-sprzedaz-energii-elektry.html