The President of the Energy Regulatory Office published Information No. 15/2024 regarding the issues causing the most frequent doubts in the area of connection to the grid, including the possibility of using the so-called cable pooling. The Polish Photovoltaics Association, as part of the work of the Working Group on Technical Requirements, together with other industry organizations and experts, conducts a dialogue with the President of the Energy Regulatory Office and relevant government administration agencies regarding increasing the possibilities of connecting new installations to the grid and is working on proposals for regulations in this area.

On March 27, a meeting of representatives of grid operators, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, with organizations from the renewable energy sector was held at the headquarters of the Energy Regulatory Office. PSF was represented by President Ewa Magiera and Vice-Presidents Szymon Witoszek and Jacek Kosakowski. The demands formulated by industry representatives towards operators and administration authorities included, among others: current and more detailed publication of information about available capacities by operators, unification of the methodology and transparent carrying out of expert assessments of the impact on the network, electronization of the connection procedure, and clarification of regulations regarding the direct line and the so-called cable pooling. Network operators, with the support of the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, also expressed their will to create OSE and investor expert teams, within which individual issues regarding the greatest challenges related to network infrastructure and proposed solutions will be discussed..,Informacja-nr-152024.html