On June 3, at the headquarters of Saule Technologies in Wrocław, a meeting of representatives of renewable energy organizations and industry took place with the Vice-President of the European Commission – Frans Timmermans. The participants included representatives of the Polish Development Fund, PWEA, the National Chamber of Energy Clusters, Forum Energii, and Polish Steel Association. The Polish Photovoltaics Association was represented by Director Irena Gajewska.

The meeting was held in the form of a round table and was used to familiarize Vice-President Timmermans with the current challenges that Poland is facing in the context of implementing the assumptions of the European Green Deal and the Fit for 55 Package.

One of the topics that Frans Timmermans was interested in was the issue of social acceptance among Poles for further energy transformation. The Polish Photovoltaics Association shared with the European Commission the results of the latest opinion polls of Poles on renewable energy sources, which in May this year was commissioned by PSF by the Indicator research laboratory.

We will publish this analysis of the public opinion poll soon.

Polisch Photovoltaics Association